
Antique Coach & Carriage Co.


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Horse Ranch, Funeral Transportation in Lockport, IL

Frequently Asked Questions for Carriage Rides & Wedding Transportation in Chicago, IL

View frequently asked questions about our carriage ride service in Chicago, IL.

Q: Do these horses like their job?

A: Carriage horses are bred to work in harness. In fact, the exercise keeps them healthy. Horses recognize, respond to, and develop affection for their drivers.

Q: Does the pavement hurt their hooves?

A: No, because they wear protective shoes during all walks, including wedding transportation in Chicago, IL.

Q: How much weight can a horse pull?

A: A horse can easily pull a wheeled vehicle that is six (6) times its own weight; however, most carriage horses are used at only 25% of that capacity. A carriage horse averages in weight from 1200 lb. to 2300 lb., therefore they can pull anywhere from 7200 lb. to 13,800 lb.

Q: What is the average life expectancy of a horse?

A: Twenty-five to thirty years. Horses have been known to live well into their forties.

Q: Is it normal for a horse to sweat?

A: Yes. It is a natural cooling process, just as with people.

Q: How do horses rest?

A: Horses usually sleep standing up, often with one hind foot cocked when they are working.

Q: How often do you feed the horse?

A: A horse consumes two or three meals of hay/grain per day.

Q: Do the Chicago, IL, funeral transportation horses live in the city?

A: The horses live on a farm, Haywire Horse Ranch, located in Chicago, Illinois. Debra Hay established it in 1990. The ranch offers a horse breeding program and stud services. For more information, please contact us.